Nutrition Data's opinions and ratings are based on weighted averages of the nutrient densities of those nutrients for which the FDA has established Daily Values, and do not consider other nutrients that may be important to your health or take into account your individual needs. Consequently, Nutrition Data's higher-rated foods may not necessarily be healthier for you than lower-rated ones. All foods, regardless of their rating, have the potential to play an important role in your diet.
The Amino Acid Score has not been corrected for digestibility, which could reduce its value.
IF Rating™ is a trademark of Monica Reinagel. Data for the IF Rating was provided by inflammationfactor.com.
A mango is one way to experience that tropical feeling without ever leaving your kitchen.
Mangoes are high in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Copper and Vitamin A.
What's in a Mango?
Mango per one whole mango, peeled
- calories: 135; fat: 1 g; carbs: 35 g;protein: 1 g;fiber: 4 g, 14% RDA
- Vitamin C: 57.3mg, 97% RDA
- Vitamin A: 1584IU, 32% RDA
- Vitamin E: 2.3mg, 12% RDA
- Vitamin B6: 0.3mg, 14% RDA
- Copper: 0.2mg, 11% RDA
- Potassium: 323mg, 9% RDA
- Sodium and cholesterol: 0